Benefits Of Buying Used Cars

While many people wouldn’t even think of paying for a car that doesn’t have that new car smell, used cars are still the preferred choice of many who realize the inherent benefits. You can find cars for sale in every city and town in North America, with used cars making up a large portion of the inventory. The people who shy away from used cars usually do so for fear of being sold a “lemon”, but these fears pale in comparison to the benefits of used cars for others. Once you look through some of the benefits of buying used cars, you might just take a look at some less than new models the next time you’re looking for cars for sale.

Price is the primary benefit that used cars have over new cars. In some cases in a lot with cars for sale, the price gap can be quite large between the new cars and used cars. And since a new car depreciates the second it is driven off the lot, you can often find good deals on used cars that are in almost the same condition as the new version. Some estimates say that your new car will lose about 30 percent of its value within the first two years of ownership. A car is definitely not a financial investment, and for some people the price differential between new and used cars is enough to find used cars for sale every time.

Some of the pre-owned certification programs that many dealerships have in place are another benefit of used car ownership. Many of these programs require the vehicle to meet pretty strict standards, so you can know that any used car you look at that has been certified in such a program is mechanically sound. The next time you’re looking at cars for sale, ask if the dealership has a pre-owned certification program for used cars, and you just might be surprised at what you can find.

Many new cars will also come equipped with ‘extra’ features that are nothing more than a way to drive up the price a little more. The classic anti-rust coating, a stripe here or button there won’t add anything to the performance or resale value of the car, but it will enable the dealer to charge more. When you stick with used cars, you shouldn’t have to worry about paying for features you didn’t ask for.

Avoiding extra fees is another benefit of buying used cars. Having new cars for sale often means a dealer will include shipping charges, hidden taxes and various administration fees to the total of the car. With used cars, many of these extra fees aren’t part of the process, and you can even haggle a little to get yourself a better deal. There are still some risks involved with buying used cars, but if you stick to your budget and ask the right questions, you should be able to avoid any pitfalls and get the car you want.

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