Some men just know what they want. At least that’s the theory behind a new study conducted under the watchful eye of Forbes Magazine that pits men against women in a battle of brand awareness and desirability. The results were somewhat predictable and somewhat surprising, with Proctor & Gamble’s Crest reaching the number one spot on the male side of things. For Englewood used car drivers, many of the spots on the men’s list were a bit less surprising, with several different car brands making the top spots. Also not surprisingly, BMW held the top spot among the car brands, coming in number two overall on the list of the most desirable brands for men. Perhaps in a more alarming discovery, women had no car brands in their top twenty brands, which may show that the auto industry isn’t doing enough to market to this demographic. Automakers have a world of possibility from a marketing perspective if they’d like to expand the market; it’s simply an issue of finding a more effective way to appeal to women without offending the delicate sensibilities of the male demographic. Your Englewood used car dealer thinks it’s a pretty intriguing challenge.
The study was accomplished by testing conscious and subconscious trends in men and women. Other auto brands, like Lexus and Mercedes-Benz, made appearances on the list, but none were as high as the dominant BMW brand, a company with many patrons that call themselves Englewood used car drivers. According to Forbes, The study looked at men and women’s relationships with many of the nation’s biggest brands. By examining the strength and types of those relationships on both a conscious and nonconscious level, using the tools of neuromarketing, which has been around since the 1990s, Buyology [strategic neuromarketing firm] found that men and women are drawn to different kinds of brands, and for different reasons. Your Englewood used car dealer found that the methodology for the study was pretty sound, and many local drivers aren’t surprised to find out that BMW made the top of the list. The company’s reputation for top quality luxury cars is only surpassed these days by its insistence to lead the luxury market in engine technology and other tech integrations. In this way, BMW is doing its best to appeal both to an older demographic of well-to-do business people and to a younger demographic of hip, tech-savvy young professionals making a decent sized paycheck.
If you’re an Englewood used car driver, I highly suggest getting out there and test-driving a BMW at your local dealer. The company has made a name for itself on high-quality, dependable, reliable and luxurious vehicles and that aesthetic continues to hold true today. The automaker’s commitment to continually improving fuel efficiency and engine technology in the luxury market is laudable, and your Englewood used car dealer tends to agree that there aren’t any luxury brands on the market quite like BMW. Maybe the brand intimidates you a bit, but that shouldn’t stop you from taking a test-drive, should it?