Most of us have plated with rc trucks at some point in our lives and have never stopped doing so till now. If so, then you belong to the club of rc trucks hobbyists. Getting started with rc vehicles is easy although some people worry there is too much to learn. They may have trouble deciding on the kind of remote controlled vehicle to buy but all it takes is some little bit of information and the desire to have fun, and then you are ready for the race in no time. A beginner or a more advanced racer both need some sort of guide about the remote controlled racing at a certain point. For a beginner, it is essential that he/she is equipped with a guide about rc racing.
What are rc trucks to begin with?
The term rc stands for radio controlled. An rc truck comes in the form of a toy or hobby grade. Here lies the difference between toy and hobby grade. Toy grade rc trucks are less expensive and found in many of electronic stores. A person who is serious about making remote controlled vehicles his/her hobby would find toy grade rc’s not the best bet but should instead try hobby grade rc vehicles. The hobby grade car presents lots of advantages. For example, they have lots of available spare parts and upgrades. Most hobbyists love not just racing their rc vehicles but fixing and building it as well.
What kind of remote controlled vehicle would you like to buy?
The first thing that comes up a person’s mind is the type of rc trucks to buy. To be honest, it is a personal preference. One should take a look at all the available rc trucks in the market and decide what appeals the most. Thereafter, decide on whether you want you want an RTR i.e. ready-to-run or a build your own. It all depends on what one wants out of the hobby. The RTR make are ready when taken out of the box with very minimal preparation required. They are very good for beginners because you don’t have to spend a lot of time on preparation work but just drive right away from the box. This is suitable for anyone in a hurry to race. The build you own make is for those who want to bond with their cars. They would not mind spending time working on the car but actually love it because to them it is one of the best parts of the hobby.
Those with money have the opportunity to get both an RTR and another to build while racing and if not possible; one should always go for what sounds the best because honestly it’s your hobby. So, do whatever works best for you. There are three categories of rc trucks namely electric, nitro and gas rc vehicles. For a beginner, electric rc vehicles are recommended because they are easier to maintain and care and cheaper too. Nitro rc trucks are very popular because of speed and performance.